Every Mind Care Ltd
Mental Health Care covering Surrey and North East Hampshire
Statement of Purpose
This Statement of Purpose provides you with useful information about Every Mind Care Ltd and the services it offers.
We specialise in offering support and guidance to those who have mental health problems and promote the personal assistant role.
Every Mind Care is a Limited Company and prides itself in offering high-quality support to enable our clients to continue to live in the comfort of their own homes or/and the transition from hospital to home. We provide personalised and individualised assistance.
We always work in a client-centred way to establish the best path for achieving personal goals and maximising independence. Our bespoke care means we always listen to the client’s needs through a flexible and professional approach.

The service supports people in the following areas;
- Emotional well-being
- Nutritional support
- Shopping
- Laundry
- Accessing the local community
- In seeking employment
- Encouragement with treatment plans, including support with medication.
- Assistance with cleaning
- Assistance with correspondence, including budgeting.
- Maintaining personal relationships
- Planning for the future
Why choose us?
The statutory role of a Care Manager can offer an invaluable service and framework that may be beneficial for you. If you are deemed eligible for social care needs as defined by the Care Act 2014, a Care Manager from the Mental Health Social Care Team will develop a plan to meet those needs with you. Our aim is to work with statutory organisations, to ensure a positive outcome for you.
The Director of Every Mind Care has been a Care Manager and Care Coordinator in Community Mental Health Teams across Surrey and Hampshire (see about us), providing a superior understanding of these positions.
In Surrey, we are primarily operating in Guildford and Woking but are always looking to expand to other areas in Northeast Hampshire and Surrey.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to see if we can assist you.

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